Unlock your potential

Optimize your disc golf game

It's time to take guessing out of your game plan.

OurRanger Caddy helps you unlock your full potential by making it easy to analyze your game. Discover your high percentage shots and find out where you need more practice.

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Do it like the pros

What gets measured gets managed

You'd rather be out on the course than doing field work. So a handfull of shots before your round are enough "practice" for today. We get. We do the same.

Really get to know your bag.
Track your distances and select the correct disc for the shot.
Practice the right thing.
Use your precious time to practice shots that really make a difference.
Discover holes in your bag.
Think you have every shot you need under your belt? OurRanger Caddy helps you make sure!
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Since I've started using OurRanger in combination with Caddy I've shaved off 5 strokes per round on my home course.

Sure, I've invented the thing, so I have to say that. But would I invest all this time and money into something that I think is less than fantastic?

Felix Auer #183010
Inventor of OurRanger (that's me lol)
PDGA rating of 852 (and rising)